“Please give a warm welcome to Akiko, our new transfer student!” Miss Overstuffed said as she waved towards the girl standing in front of the chalkboard.

The students gave an unenthusiastic round of applause which quickly died down.

“Alright then, Akiko, please take a seat.” Miss Overstuffed said and waved towards one of the empty desks mixed in with the rest of the students.

Akiko smiled and nodded, giving a quick “Hai!” to confirm the direction. She made her way to the back of the room and took one of the empty seats.

She paid as much attention as she could, but Miss Overstuffed talked so quickly that Akiko had a hard time trying to understand everything she said. Eventually, getting lost, she leaned forward and put her chin in her hand that was propped up on her desk as her free hand slipped between her legs and she started to play with her pussy.

Akiko found it helped to masturbate whenever she was confused or lost when her teachers spoke, it was a habit that she’d picked up back home and saw no reason to stop now.

Just as she was getting close to an orgasm the school bell rang and the other students quickly got up and left.

“Remember to read the next chapter over the weekend!” Miss Overstuffed called out as they left, leaving Akiko the last one sitting, trying to get herself in order before she stood.

Just as she did Miss Overstuffed looked sternly at her, “Akiko, please come up here.”

Akiko lowered her head and made her way up to Miss Overstuffed’s desk.

“Yes Miss Overstuffed.” Akiko asked in a thick accent, taking time and care to try and pronounce each word.

“Do you think I didn’t notice you in the back there Akiko? I won’t have such behaviour in my classroom.” Miss Overstuffed said as she wrote out a slip and then extended it towards Akiko.

“Take this to the Principal’s office.” Miss Overstuffed commanded.

Akiko blushed and nodded, “Yes Miss Overstuffed.”

Akiko was on her back across the desk, her legs in the air, her tits bouncing as Principal Hardcock slammed his dick into her pussy.

“Hai! Hai! Hai! Fuck Akiko’s tight little pussy! Hai! Hai! Hai!” she cried out as little stars and hearts and fireworks went off across her vision.

She was in heaven; all her worries forgotten, all her silly teachers a distant memory, all her homework pushed out of her head.

She giggle and squealed as Principal Hardcock continued to teach her the only lesson she knew she’d ever need… how to be the perfect little asian slut.

Akasha raised an eyebrow at her mother Anna as they sat at the kitchen table.

“You don’t have to come…” Anna said halfheartedly, knowing full well there wasn’t much of a choice.

Akasha frowned and shook her head, her mother had accepted a job offer and was moving, that left Akasha with only two choices. The first was drop out of university and get a job to support herself, the second was to go with her and transfer to the local university.

“They have a great asian studies department from what their web site said…” her mother continued, trying to sell Akasha on the idea.

Akasha was currently pursing an anthology degree, with a focus on asian societies. It had come from an interest in her great-grandmother’s heritage that had fascinated her from an early age.

She was the only asian in their family, so Akasha was only 12.5% asian, and had lived her entire life on the west coast, but it still fascinated her.

Akasha let out a sigh and slumped her shoulders as she hooked a strand of her brown hair over her ear, “You don’t have to try and sell it so hard Mom. It’s not like there’s any real choice. I’ll submit my paperwork to transfer for next semester.”

Ana smiled and nodded, “I’m sorry dear, but the job is just too good to turn down. If there was family here you could stay with…” she trailed off.

Her father had divorced her mother soon after Akasha’s birth and that side of the family was long gone from their lives, while her mother’s side of the family had never been in it.

Akasha reached out and grabbed the laptop from her mother and started browsing the university’s site… maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.