A hands on kind of leader...

Friday September 20, 2024

“I hope she’ll meet your requirements…” a man’s voice said as it approached the balcony that Amber was standing on.

She couldn’t believe what was happening, ok, well, she could believe it, after all it had been three months since she’d been “hired” as a model and whisked away for a series of photo shoots.

That had all been a pretense and as soon as she’d arrived at the first session she’d been drugged and the programming had begun. Weeks of intense mental conditioning had made her compliant and obedient.

Then they’d started on the physical changes. She’d always been model thin and pretty, but they wanted a blow up sex doll and after a half dozen surgeries they had it. Her tits were round and proud, her ass bulbous, and her lips inflated. To top it off, she knew how to use each of them to their maximum effect when pleasuring a man as well.

She could hold her breath longer than she’d ever imagined possible, could work her body into contortions to get her tits wrapped around a cock at any angle, could twerk her ass so hard as to make it another place to slide a cock, and her pussy… god, she had more control over her pussy muscles that she ever imagined! She could “ride” a cock without moving at all and get a man off in just a few minutes.

“Ah, there she is.” the voice finished as it came on to the balcony and she saw one of the men that seemed to be in charge of the operation, along with a second man she didn’t recognize.

The second man’s eyes lit up as soon as his gaze fell upon her.

“As you can see, she falls into the general parameters you requested, and as always you can always make additional adjustments as you see fit.”

“And the programming?” the second man asked.

“Standard sex doll level one programming at the moment, though she did score off the charts on vaginal musculature.”

Amber felt a shiver of pleasure course through her at the praise, it was the programming of course, deep down it revolted her.

The second man walked over to her and took her chin in his thumb and finger and moved her head around, letting the light catch her face at different angles. Then he reached down and pulled her top enough to expose one of her nipples. Finally he reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy.

Through out the inspection, she remained silent and still.

“And she had clean paperwork?” the second man asked.

“Absolutely. Her family kicked her out when she turned 18 and she hasn’t spoken to them since. Her travel visa has three months remaining on it, and she was just flopping at various other model’s houses back home. No one will be looking for her or care quite honestly.”

The truth of his statement hit her hard, she didn’t really have any close friends, just a few other models that she considered not quite competition.

“Alright, she’ll do as a replacement. I had to part with my last caucasian blonde to satisfy the regional governor. That bastard threatened to close down the brothel unless I did.” the second man said and Amber heart sank.

“It is a hazard when operating such establishments I’m afraid. I can get her shipped to your brothel next week… unless you have any changes you want us to make?”

“Just the standard sex worker level 3 programming I usually get them. I’ve got a local surgeon that will pump up those tits to the appropriate level at half the price you’d charge.” the second man said with a huff.

“Completely understand. Level 3 programming will take two weeks, so she should be to you in three at the tops. I’ll get the process started and confirm with you when we’re ready to ship.”

Amber had hoped at least that she’d get sold off to some rich bastard that wanted a willing trophy wife or mistress, but now she didn’t even have that little bit of hope.

The two men walked back into the room and chatted for a few moments before the man who was in charge shook the second mans hand and then walked out of view. Amber heard the the door open and close a moment later as the second man turned and smiled at her.

“Ok doll, let’s see if that pussy of yours really is that special or not.” he said and then motioned for her to come into the room.

She smiled back and jiggled her tits and wiggled her ass as she walked into the room, the programming fully in control, but she didn’t fight it. She hadn’t had a cock inside of her in hours and she was in desperate need of one.

The programming told her what to do, but the drugs had literally addicted her to cock. She needed it now just as much as she needed to breath, and she was desperate for her next fix.

A little realization bubbled up in Amber’s head, perhaps being sold to the brothel wasn’t such a bad thing after all. There would be dozens of men each day fucking her, giving her their cocks, providing the fixes she needed.

Being sold to some rich old guy would only give her one cock to suck and fuck, and she knew that would never satisfy her now.
