“Welcome home Sir, welcome home.” Casey said as she stood in front of my mansion and jiggled her tits towards me.

I smiled and nodded, “Thank you Casey, it’s good to be back.”

I walked up beside her and she quickly fell in to my side so I could slip my hand around her waist and place my hand on her ass. She let out a little coo of joy as I did so, then we started to walk towards the front door.

“How are the girls?” I asked as we did so.

“Very well Sir, they are eager to see you after such a long time.” Casey replied.

It hadn’t been that long really, just two weeks, a quick trip overseas to attend to some business, but for the girls it must have seemed like forever.

As we walked Casey continued to provide an update on the girls.

“Camellia is attending to the bathroom tonight, she has a nice hot tub drawn for you already I’m sure. Her new breasts are still sitting very high and the lip fillers have settled in nicely.” Casey said.

I smiled and gave her ass a little squeeze.

Camellia was the latest addition to the household, a problematic lawyer who had tried to stick her nose into things that didn’t concern her. She’d gone under the knife the day after I’d left and it was good to know that things had gone well.

“And her hair?” I asked.

“Oh, completely blonde now Sir, though she is still having a little trouble getting it under control.”

“Well, that might not be that bad.” I replied with a chuckle before Casey moved on.

“Daisy is at the pool, she wanted to work on her tan some more to make sure the tan lines were as defined as she could get them for your return.” Casey said.

I shook my head from side to side a little and smiled, Daisy had been the reason I’d had Camilla go blonde. I’d brought Daisy to one of our legal conferences, just as a distraction, and Camilla had been very insulting to the stacked blonde bimbo. I might have let it go, Daisy certainly didn’t mind, but when she started to go on about how blondes were just the worst, well, that had sealed Camellia’s fate.

Daisy had been with me for quite a while now, a stray I’d found at a club in LA, doing her best to be a bleached blonde beach bimbo, I’d taken pity on her and granted her wish.

“Sasha is of course in the work out room, the last I saw her she was ‘testing’ the equipment yet again.” Daisy said, moving on to the next girl.


“Yes, she seems to think her ass has put on a few pounds… though honestly I doubt that it’s fat.” Casey replied.

I chuckled and smiled, Sasha had been the owner of an all women’s gym, though not in a good way. Daisy had been a client before I’d put in the workout room in the mansion, and Sasha had been very abusive to her; verbally, financially, and emotionally.

When Daisy finally confessed the problems I’d stepped in and taken care of things. Now the gym had a new owner who was only focused on making sure the clients had the best experience possible, and Sasha was a live in personal trainer for the girls.

“An finally Donna is in the dungeon.” Daisy said, finishing her report.

A genuine smiled crossed my lips, Donna was my ex-wife, and the woman who’d made this all possible.

She’d been a brilliant bio-chemist, but highly unethical at the same time. She’d been working on a drug to expand the mental capacity of humans and had thought she’d created one.

Instead of going through the proper testing procedures, she’d decided to shortcut the paperwork and tried it herself. I’d found her staring blankly and drooling at her desk, the small vile she’d consumed on the floor beside her.

Perhaps if our marriage hadn’t been a complete sham, headed for divorce, I might have called an ambulance or something. Instead I’d just spat out a series of hateful comments, many that I still couldn’t recall, but one stood out in my memory:

"At least like this you're a better wife than you ever were before.  It would be great if you were this quite and compliant all the time."

I’d walked off and left the house, leaving her there, hoping that perhaps the problem would take care of itself.

Which it did, kind of.

I returned later that night and found Donna sitting quietly behind her desk working on her computer. It took me a few days to realize that she was doing everything I asked her too, anything I wanted, and even somethings I didn’t ask for at all.

When I finally figured it out I asked her about it and she explained it all to me. She’d been working on what went wrong and it turned out that she’d made a mistake with the formula and instead of expanding her mind, it had focused it on only one thing at a time. The focus had been so powerful, that when I started talking to her, she took everything I said as the most important thing in the world.

When the drug wore off a few hours later, Donna was a different person.

And not just quiet and compliant… she had a whole new set of interests, including being humiliated and punished. I must have said some pretty awful things to her, things I’d never really meant, but she’d taken them as part of herself.

Between bouts of wild, degrading sex, I’d had her continue to work on the formula. I’d even given her another dose of the original drug and made sure to focus her mind on finding out what had gone wrong.

It had taken her three months, but when she’d told me she had the final drug ready, I’d decided to take a chance and use it on myself.

It had worked perfectly. My mind was working a thousand times better than it had. I could understand all kinds of things that had eluded me before… like why we weren’t rich.

Several months later and I’d taken care of that problem, along with many more.

But more than just knowing things, I could do things with my mind that seemed like fantasy. I could read the surface thoughts of those around me, I could push feelings and thoughts into other people’s minds.

I’d used that talent to grow my fortune and my mansion over the last few years, collecting the girls as I went.

Casey and I arrived at the front door and she opened it to let me through, “And what is your status for tonight?” I asked.

Casey smiled and blushed a little, “At your service Sir, of course.”

I nodded and smiled, “Alright, tell Camellia I’ll be up shortly for that bath. Then tell Daisy to take it easy on the sun tanning, don’t want her to ruin her skin after all. Let Sasha know that, in fact, her ass is too big and she needs to work harder on it. Finally tell Donna to edge for three hours straight and that I’ll see her later tonight.”

Casey looked a little disappointed but nodded, the she turned and started to head up stairs.

As she was about half way up I called out to her, “Oh, and make sure you’re in my bedroom by 11.”

Casey turned and smiled with glee, “Yes Sir!” and then scampered up the stairs.

I sighed and smiled, Casey had been the first person I’d used my new found powers on, and I did feel a little bad for her. She’d been a friend, a little scatter brained, but a good person. I’d decided to use my powers on her to try and get her life together, it seemed like an altruistic way to test them.

I guess I went a little overboard and she’d quickly become focused alright, but focused on getting my life organized.

By the time I’d practiced enough with my power to undo what I’d done, well, I didn’t really want to anymore. She’d become the best personal assistant you could wish for. So now she ran my home, like a tight ship, and I made sure to reward her whenever I could.

I walked into my study and sat at my computer, quickly checking the markets and a few other things before deciding to head up and take my bath. I was curious to see if Camellia could wrapper her new tits around my head or not, or if the surgeon was going to have to do a second set of implants.

A wry smiled crossed my lips, who was I kidding? She’d be getting a second set of implants either way.