Red Eye Flight is a series of captions about a mysterious stranger with the ability to warp reality and the adventures he gets into when he flies the very friendly skies.

The first post in this series is here. All stories in the serires tagged here.

KC walked from the helicopter as the blades spun down, her hair held tightly in a bun didn’t move unlike the lapel of her suite jacket or her pant legs.

None the less she strode confidently towards her private jet, her laptop case in her hand, ready for the trip and the meeting with the bankers.

As CEO of one of the fasted growing online security companies, she was in great demand and needed their money to grow the business even faster.

She walked up the stairs of the jet and tossed her bag on the first seat, not noticing the gentlemen sitting in the plane.  When she did, her annoyance was plainly visible on her face.

“What are you doing on my jet?!  Get out of her right now before I call security and have you…”

The interloper turned to towards her, his red glowing eyes freezing her in place.

KC walked from the helicopter as the blades spun down, her hair flowing freely from the gusts of wind they generated.  Her long flowing dress billowed around her equally long legs as her high heels tapped against the concrete.

She headed toward the private jet, nothing more than her looks to get her through life.

As a high end escort she was in great demand and this banker had rented her for the entire weekend.

She walked up the stairs of the jet and her client sitting in the plane.  She smiled and sat in his lap, kissing him deeply.

As the jet taxied towards the runway, she slipped down between his legs, unzipped his pants and fished out his dick. A few delicate licks later and her business was growing faster than she could ever have hoped.