Tamara looked over her shoulder and down at her ass, it was getting really big these days… perhaps she should go a little easy on the icecream?

She shrugged her shoulders and took another spoonful of the icecream from the container and lovingly sucked at it between her lips. One more spoonful couldn’t hurt could it?

Just as she was finishing her boyfriend walked in to the kitchen and smiled. He walked up and gave her ass a slap, she sucked on the spoon even more as she let out a moan.

“Looking good babe.” he said, then reached up to her chin and titled her face upwards.

“You finish that entire tub before you start on the next one, you got that?”

She nodded in response and let out a little gasp when his fingers left her skin and he walked away. Another spoonfull slip between her lips and she let out another moan.

John browsed the Internet and chuckled at the add that was displayed on the website he was reading, “Get the girlfriend you always wanted without getting a new one!”

He’d seen such ads before, often taking him to cheesy audio hypnosis tapes that of course never worked. On a lark he clicked on the ad and a new tab opened up in his browser.

To his surprise it looked like a site selling icecream, “NEW! Two flavours to choose from and more on the way!” it proudly declared. Beneath the declaration were two small tubs of icecream with their names in bold stylized type above them.

Bootylicous Banana & Titmongous Tangerine

Beneath them was the “Special Introductory Price” of only $19.99 each.

John chuckled a bit and then clicked on the “Add to cart” option for both of them. After all, what was the worst that could happen? He’d get some overpriced novelty icecream?

He’d made stupider purchases online before, this seemed like a no brainer.