Wish for Porn High is a series of captions in which Dean has used one of his three wishes to “be the principle at a porn parody version of his high school”.

The first post in this series is here. All stories in the serires tagged here.

Note, all characters depeicted are over 18. The wish made all the students into adults, as all porn parody actresses are adults in these films.

“Hey Teresa, how are you making out with Aisha?” Principal Hardcock asked as Teresa adjusted her glasses.

“Uhm, ok?” Teresa replied, sound less than sure.

“What seems to be the problem?” Dean asked.

Teresa let out a sigh, “Ah, well, I mean…” she started before Aisha interjected.

“I don’t understand why a skirt is necessary! What kind of silly dress code is that? My thong is perfectly acceptable back in India.” Aisha with with conviction.

Dean chuckled and smiled, “I’m sure it is Aisha, but well, a dress code is a dress code.”

Aisha rolled her eyes and grabbed the student handbook from the desk behind Teresa and then started flipping through the pages. When she got to where she wanted to she started reading and after a few moments a broad smile crossed her lips.

“Well, if you insist we follow the dress code…” Aisha said in a leading way.

“I do.” Dean replied.

Aisha then reached around behind her back and with a single swift motion, undid her thong and tossed it onto the ground, exposing her bare, shaved pussy.

“Aisha!” Teresa exclaimed and bent over reaching for the thong.

“The dress code only says if you are wearing a thong, you must wear a skit… it doesn’t say anything about not wearing a thong.” Aisha declared triumphantly as she handed the student manual to Dean.

Dean smiled and nodded, “You’ve got me there.” he said and looked up just in time to see Teresa grab Aisha’s thong and Aisha tug at Teresa’s skirt tie, releasing it, and pulling it from Teresa’s waist.

“What the hell!” Teresa cried as she shot bolt upright, only to see Aisha tear her skirt in two.

“Principal Hardcock!” Teresa screamed as she tied to grab the skirt from Aisha, only to realize it was pointless now as it was destroyed.

“Well Teresa, you’re out of uniform now. I think you know what to do.” Dean said.

Teresa’s face twisted in anger, but the slumped as she reached down and undid her own thong and removed it.

A smug look of satisfaction crossed Aisha’s face as she looked down at Teresa’s exposed pussy.

“Alright, that’s enough of that. Teresa, Aisha, get to class, but Aisha report to my office for detention after your done your classes for the day.”

Teresa’s jaw dropped in surprise, “But Principla Haaarrrdcccooook! Like, I’ve got detention after class with you today!”

Dean smiled and nodded, “I know Teresa. I’m sure I’ll find something for the two of you to do in detention that will improve your relationship.”

A wicked smile crossed Aisha’s lips as she brought her hand back and gave Teresa’s ass a good smack, “Come on Teresa, we’re both late for class! You’re supposed to be showing me how to be a good american student and you’re doing a terrible job so far.”

“Oh!” Teresa exclaimed and then quickly started walking toward the door, Aisha just behind her, her eyes fixated on the swaying ass of the girl in front of her.

Dean chuckled and made a mental note to extend Teresa’s after shool detention for another week. Aisha on the other hand looked like she was going to fit right in.