“I… I think you might have broken her brain a little too much…” David said hesitantly.

“Well you did say you wanted her a brain dead fuck toy…” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders.

“Yeah… I mean, sure. But can she even put two words together in a sentence?”

I let out a chuckle and turned to Bunny, “What do you have to say to the nice man Bunny?” I asked her.

She pulled her tongue back into her mouth and smiled up at David, her eyes big and wide, but completely vacant as well.

“Bunny suck cock?” she asked and the stuck her tongue out again.

“That was three words, a noun and a verb, so that makes it a sentence, so yes… yes she can.” I replied.

David rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Alright, alright, you made your point. I just thought there might be a little more of the old Jenny left, that’s all.”

“You said it yourself, she was a real head strong bitch. Sometimes when they break… well, they break. Jenny fought it quite hard, and for longer than most, but when she did finally break she went full speed down hill into what she thought a brain dead fuck toy should be.” I said and waved my hand in her direction.

“I have to admit, I was a little surprised at the lack of… imagination from her. The classic bunny girl seems a little bland for her. Usually such strong willed women have much more… robust ideas of their opposites.” I continued with a shrug at the end.

“Well I said she was head strong, not intelligent. More of a wrecking ball than a scalpel. Either way, I guess it’s fine. At least as long as she can still sign her name of course…”

“Absolutely, though you might need a couple of copies of the contract… just incase she signs it Bunny instead of Jenny on the first try. I’d suggest a few simple punishment/reward sessions with her over your knee with a pen and paper should help quite a lot to reenforce what you want her to do.”

David nodded and then took a step towards Bunny, “Anything else I need to know?” he asked as he unzipped his pants.

“Nothing we haven’t already discussed. Make sure to keep her well taken care of… she’s very easy to distract and follows any instructions given to her, so she could be taken advantage by strangers. In the bag by the door you’ll find a butt plug with a built in tracker that you can pair your phone too. I suggest ensuring she wears it any time you go out with her, just in case.” I replied and then headed towards the door.

I stepped through it and closed it behind me, just in time to hear Bunny’s high pitched squeal of delight be muffled and then followed by a slurping noise.

I headed to my car and double checked that David’s payment had come through, a smile crossing my lips as it had been verified.

These short term jobs weren’t my favorite, but they were definitely profitable.

I started my car and drove to my next appointment, hopefully the next client would be looking for something more… bespoke.