A hands on kind of leader...

Thursday February 15, 2024

Sammy wasn’t sure what was going on, she’d woken up on the gurney, wrapped in bandages, her head spining around and around. It had taken a little bit for it to slow down and eventaully stopped, but when it did she managed to swing her legs over the side of the gurney and stand upright.

She’d teatered on the impossibly high heels, unsure of her balance, but managed to walk a few steps away from the gurney to where the light was better and there was a large full length mirror positioned where she could see it.

Taking the bangages off had been… challenging, her fingers seemed not to want to work right and whenever she came to a knot her mind spun around as she tried to figure out how to undo it.

But even her limited awareness knew something was wrong.

Where was everyone?

The place seemed deserted and she couldn’t hear anyone outside of the room either.

She turned towards the door and took a few tentitive steps until she could reach out and take hold of the doorknob. She twisted it and opened the door a tiny bit, only to be hit with a blast of noise.

“ALERT! ALERT! Patient 1945 is on the loose in the facility! ALERT! ALERT! Patient…” the message repeated over and over again as she saw people running by the door.

Not sure what to do, she figured someone else might and so she opened the door the rest of the way and stepped out into the hallway. She raised her hand as a man ran by, “Like, exscuse me mister…” she said in a high pitched voice that seemed wrong somehow.

The man turned to look at her in fear, “Shit, get back in the operating room! Don’t let him see you or you’ll be done for! He’s just down…” the man replied with fear in his eyes.

He stopped mid-sentence and his eyes went wide, his head jerking to the left and then the right. Then his whole body stiffened and rose up an inch or two off the ground. Suddenly his white coat and the rest of his clothes liquifed and flowed off of his body and onto the floor.

Sammy giggled as his dick was exposed and she licked her lips, she was about to get down on her knees when the man twirled around, his brown hair lightening, his rotund body tightening, and then shrinking down to just a few inches tall.

The newly minted plastic figure had a wide smile on it’s face but no longer held any interest to Sammy. Instead she looked up at the man that was standing a little farther down the hallway, his hand outstreched, his finger pointed at where the figureine had just dropped out of the air.

A smile crossed he face, “Well, well, well… what do we have here?” he asked retorically but it went straight over Sammy’s head.

“Uhm, like, I’m Sammy. giggle

The blood from the man’s face drained, “Samantha… what have they done to you?” he said and rushed over to her.

He took her hand in his and a sadness crossed his face, “I… I tried to find you… to get to you before… but this place is so big.”

“Oh my gosh, like really? That’s so sweet!” she said and gave her tits a little jiggle.

A stern looked came to him, “Let me… let me fix you…” he said and then closed his eyes, placing his hand on her forehead. She felt something push against her mind, and then through it, but nothing changed.

“I’m, I’m sorry Samantha… there’s nothing left. I can’t undo what they’ve done.” he said with resignation.

She smiled at him and placed her hand on his chest, “Awe, don’t worry sweety, that’s ok. Like, let me make you feel better… cause I know something I can undo…” she replied and knelt down in front of him, her fingers quickly undoing his pants.

She took his dick into her mouth and started sucking, bobbing back and forth. She still didn’t know what was going on, but at least everything made sense now, she was doing exactly what she was made for.

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