“Confirm mission.” I said as Agent Bambi stood beside the van, her eyes closed as she’d taken in the assignment.

She opened her eyes and looked at me without expression, “Seduce Miles Toburge, return to his hotel room with him, extract the data on his laptop, use all means necessary.”

I nodded with a serious expression on my face, “Good, get to work then.”

Bambi didn’t hesitate and turned and started walking towards the elevator that would take her down to the hotel lobby, from there Toburge should be in the bar.

I walked around to the sliding door of the van and opened it, stepping inside before closing it behind me. The van was filled with monitors and computers, I’d tapped into the security system of the hotel, unfortunately there was nowhere for Bambi to hide a camera of microphone on her person.

I chuckled at that turn of phrase, person. There really wasn’t much of a person left any more, certainly not the bright young brunette that had joined the team three years ago.

I checked the time, and cameras, and figured I had some time to kill, so why not get some paperwork out of the way while I was at it?

I opened up a file on my computer and pulled up a photo from Bambi, or at the time Barbra’s first assignment.

Back then she’d been eager to prove herself as an undercover agent, and so she’d gotten right into the role of seductress.

She’d played into her youth and innocence and managed to get the target wrapped around her little finger quickly enough by teasing and promising, but not actually delivering. The only problem had been how long it had taken her to extract the information that was required.

The photo I was looking at had been from one of the first sessions she’d had with the target where she’d agreed to let him take a photo.

We’d recovered it at the end of the assignment when we’d arrested him, and now I added it to the current file I was working on.

The photo from her next assignment was more mixed. Sure, there was still the youth and innocence there, but she was more overtly sexual at the same time.

She’d learned from her first assignment and made quick work of the second target, though not before having to go farther than she had in the first one. She’d done oral with him and she told me at the time that she could still “taste” him whenever her thoughts drifted back to the case.

This was of course when I suggested “the machine”.

In my line of work you get access to all the latest gadgets and toys, and the machine was a way to remove unwanted memories. For example, you could interrogate a target, and then wipe their memory of the interrogation.

In theory, a great way of doing things, in practice, not so much. Having physical trauma you can’t explain and a large gap in your memory didn’t hide the interrogations so much as make it obvious something was wrong.

But using it to remove some unwanted memories from Barbra seemed like a good use for it, and she’d agreed. Of course the machine could do more than just wipe memories, so much more, and the first thing I’d done was add in a few simple things, like her trust of me, and a desire to use the machine again.

Barbra’s third assignment was a complete change for her, going undercover in the deep south, she spent months infiltrating a very closed knit community. The target was a well respected elder in the town, and from what Barbra reported afterwards, had all kinds of kinks in private.

She’d confessed to me how he liked to degrade and humiliate her in private, demanding sex at the drop of a hat, and forcing her to call herself a worthless whore among other things while he fucked her.

It had worked out in the end though, he’d been planning a violent white supremest uprising in the county and Barbra had put a stop to all of it.

Of course afterwards she’d asked if I could use the machine on her again and I’d happily agreed.

I’d wiped out the worst of the memories, but also some of her objections to the acts themselves. Then I’d added some additional commitment to the assignment, whatever assignment that was, as well as the beginning of detaching her work from her private personality.

Barbra, or as she was calling herself now Barb, next assignment had been in Vegas. She’d gone undercover at one of the topless cabarets as a dancer. It was a human trafficking assignment and it hadn’t taken her long to track down those responsible, but it had taken it’s toll.

First, unlike her previous assignments she’d where she had focused on one person, this time she’d had to be more… open. The mission report had indicated she’d had to provide sexual favours to at least 15 different men to get in, and deep enough, to get her assignment completed.

On top of that, her innocent style hadn’t cut it at all. Vegas was full of fake blondes with big tits and she’d had to go all out to try and fit in.

A few weeks into the assignment, she’d come to me in private and asked if I could use the machine on her again, to erase some of the moral quandaries she was having about the assignment.

I’d agreed and done what she’d asked, as well as pushing her private personality even farther to the back.

The photo I was adding to the report was shortly after she’d left the machine and gotten dressed for her assignment, the vacant look in her eyes did fade after a few hours, but I could tell the machine was having a significant effect on her.

I smiled as I pulled up one of the surveillance photo’s from “Bab’s” last assignment, her newly improved tits hanging out of her top as he leaned out the window and called out to the gardner. She was clearly half in the bag, having been drinking since she had gotten up.

This had been her hardest assignment yet, posing as a country club wife didn’t suit Bab’s very well. Lots of time doing nothing, the expectation of maintaining an appearance of class and wealth, as well as all the infighting with the other wives.

She’d of course thrown herself into the assignment, spending several months getting cosmetic procedures done to ensure she fit in, as well as asking me to “help” her with the machine.

By the time she arrived on site to take her position, she was the perfect agent of the task. Her mind completely divided in two, one fake trophy wife, the other the perfect operative.

Reading the after report revealed she no longer had any qualms about who she was sleeping with, as it indicated she had gone through most of the country club by the time she finished her assignment. In addition there were few staff at the club or around her home, that had also not partaken.

Bab’s was the perfect undercover agent now, and her value was obvious, as she’d gotten to the bottom of the drug cartels influence on some of the biggest trucking companies in the country.

I looked back up at the monitor and watched Bambi leaning against Toburge, her tongue nearly in his ear, his hand on her ass, and I smiled.

When Bab’s had returned from her last assignment, there was a lot of work I’d had to do to get her back in shape. That luxurious lifestyle had taken it’s told on her and it was my job to get her ready for the next assignment.

First was to get her back on her workout routine to work off those extra pounds her sedentary life style had put on. Also I’d sent her to the medical team to clean up all the damage that had been done to her skin from the sun. Finally she’d begged me to use the machine on her again and I completed what I’d started all those months ago.

Agent Bambi was born.

And just in time as Toburge was our biggest target yet. A mover and shaker in the international markets, he was one of those shadowy people you always heard about that controlled things from behind the scenes.

In this case, the rumors were running while Toburge was looking to crash the entire financial systems of the free world in some scheme to take actual control.

While Bab’s was recovering and being treated, I’d been doing my research and it had turned out that Toburge had a particular type. Fortunately I found out in time and had the medical team make the needed changes.

Motion in one of the monitors caught my eye and Bambi and Toburge left the bar and headed towards the bank of elevators. I smiled and watched them move up the elevators, down the hallway, and finally into Toburge’s room.

I let out a sigh of relief, it was all up to Bambi now, and I had no doubt she’d get what we needed… or if she didn’t, she’d make sure to stay on the case as long as required.

I turned back to the document I was preparing and added my final thoughts:

"In conclusion Agent Barbra Hicks has severed the agency with distinction and honour.  It is my recommendation that she is discharged with hounors after her current assignment in recognition of her contributions to the agency."

I saved the document, then attached it to an e-mail and sent it to my superiors.

Bambi was, of course, the perfect agent now, but she was going to be an even better personal fuck toy for me once she returned from assignment and I used the machine on her one last time before giving her her final assignment and takeing her home with me.