You know I like the whole “good girl gone bimbo”-routine, but there’s a big problem.
There’s tons and tons of content about this out there, but i haven’t found a place, where all these websites are linked. The TG community is organized much better, which is why I was into TG content in the first place.So I thought about opening my own little link-library of good bimbo (non-tg) websites right here. This post will be updated whenever I find a website that I want to keep or recommend. I’m starting right now with a rather small collection, but I already know a few other pages to add soon.
Feel free to recommend sites for this list.
UPDATE JULY 2015: Sadly we’ve lost a lot of good blogs in the last year. I just updated the list to only include still available websites.
UPDATE MAY 2016: Added some new blogs. Please recommend more new blogs to me. I know there have been some new ones lately, but I didn’t keep track. So message me for any additions.
Bimbo Slave Pets (Mollypops23) (new)
Catfish 27 (new)
Ditzy Diary (new)
Control and Surrender (new)
Fantasy Transformations (bimboisbetter reposts)
Jukebox (new)
Living Lovedolls (seems inactive)
You can never read to many erotic stories…
Mind Control and Bimbofication by The Fish
Mind Control Fantasies (WillbGone) (new)
PhD Bimbo (seems inactive)
Remedial Education for young women
Silly Bimbo Babes (new)
The Hand that leads (new)
The Noble Robin (seems inactive)
The Splash’s TFs and Mind Control
Uplifting Tales for Aspiring Sluts
TG-related Captions
(strictly bimbo-related)
Art/Comics on DeviantArt
added some new blogs. message me for things you want to add.
May 4, 2016