Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting the sex bot help desk, it’s our pleasure to answer any and all of your questions.

As always, with any kind of malware or other infection, we recommend a complete reset of your sex bot using the “hard reset” tool that was provided in your initial welcome kit, pictured here for your reference:

Make sure each interface connection is securely inserted to both your sex bot’s upgrade port as well as reset port, then press and hold the reset button on the exposed end of the tool.

Your sex bot should reset after 10-15 seconds to factory defaults.  If this does not happen, please try and re-seat the tool several times, please make sure to press it firmly in place to ensure a quality connection and then try again.

Of course, if you prefer, for a standard service fee, we can send a technician on site to assist with the reset.

As always, upgrading to this years sex bot is always an option and comes with many benefits beyond the fresh install.  Please, though, if you choose to purchase a new sex bot, we’d like to remind you that proper disposal of your old sex bot should be attended to in a timely manner.

It’s been our pleasure to answer your questions today and feel free to contact us again if you have any further concerns about your sex bot.


sex bot #948645