Linda leaned on the arm of the chair and looked up at her therapist, her tits were hanging out and her ass was hanging over the other end of the chair as she clasped her hands together.

She had come to him at the recommendation of one of her friends Karen, who like herself, had been having trouble maintaining a long-term relationship with a partner.

To Linda’s surprise, Karen had quickly found someone after coming to therapy and had been with them for over a year! It was a new record for either of them, and Karen seemed just as happy as she had been when they first started dating.

The therapist walked around behind her and placed his hands on her ass, she closed her eyes and let out a slight moan.

He raised his hand and gave her ass a good slap, “Oh! Thank you Doctor.” she exclaimed each and every time he spanked her, which was for the next half hour at least.

When he finished she stood back up and quickly redressed herself, a smile on her face, before she turned to leave. She’d be back next week, as she had been for the last few months, as her therapy had been going very well.

The Doctor had helped her realize two very important things about being in a long-term relationship. The first was just how important it is to be a complete slut for your partner. The second was that she always need to thank her partner when they did something nice for her.

She left the therapist’s office and entered the elevator, riding it down to the garage, she rubbed her red and sore ass. God she couldn’t wait to find a man that would spank her like the Doctor did. She knew when she did she’d have found the perfect man for her and she’d be thanking him each and every day.