Vivian looked at the textbook and then back at Johnathan, she knew it was a taunt, but she didn’t react to it, though not by choice.

A year ago she’d been in pre-law, top of her class, heading for a successful career at a top law firm, without a care in the world. Then her parents had been killed in a tragic car accident while on vacation and everything had come tumbling down.

At least she’d thought so at the time, in fact there had been so much worse to come.

It had turned out that their family lawyer, Johnathan, had been skimming from the family fortune for years to pay off his gambling habit, and with her parents death, well, everything would come out in the open. Unless of course he did something about it.

That something had been to reach out to his underworld connections, who were more than happy to help out if it meant keeping the gravy training running.

No one had questioned when she’d “left” school to take some personal time, or at least that’s what Johnathan had claimed whenever anyone asked. In reality she’d been taken right from campus one night, whisked off to some faceless warehouse where they kept her drugged up for weeks.

The drugs had kept her docile, horny, and opened her mind so that they could slip in all kinds of ideas that were antithetical to her.

Things like how much she hated school, or how much she liked dressing up in sexy clothing, or how much she loved taking control and telling her what to do.

It had taken a few weeks to get that first set of ideas so deeply embedded in her mind that even she no longer questioned them, but after that, things got so much worse.

The following weeks made her into the stereotypical docile, fresh off the boat, white man obsessed, asian girl. Her vocabulary took a nose dive, her mannerism became girly and silly, she became obsessed with fashion and makeup, and finally with Johnathan himself.

When she returned, there were quite a lot of questions from her friends about the changes, but she assured them all she was fine. That she’d just done a lot of introspection on her time away and realized what was important to her.

By the time the paperwork from her parents will was done, she had become so obsessed with the idea of being Johnathan’s submissive asian bride, that she had signed the papers without even reading them. They had started dating, secretly, right afterwards.

Tonight was their big reveal.

Johnathan was taking her out to a gala charity even tonight where all kinds of high society would be. There was little doubt that the paparazzi would be taking photos of them, or that they’d be plastered all over the society page the next day.

Vivian stood up and clasped her hands behind her back, a smile across her face as she pushed her tits out towards Johnathan, “You like?” she asked in a terrible accent.

Johnathan smiled and nodded, then walked over and snaked his arm around her waist, his hand grabbing her ass. She moaned a little and leaned her head back just in time for Johnathan to lean over and kiss her.

Her broke it off after a moment and her hands went straight for his pants, but he pushed them away.

She pouted and cast her eyes downward, “Vivi suck cock good, Vivi promise.”

He lifted his hand up and took her chin between his fingers before tilting her head back up so their eyes met once more.

“Oh I know you do, but thats later. Right now we have other places to be.”

A smile returned to her face with that knowledge.

“Now remember, I want you hanging off my arm as much as possible, a smile across that face, and a giggle on your lips. If you have to talk to anyone and they ask questions about finances, or university, or anything else, just giggle and tell them that you don’t know about such things and that they should ask me. Got it?”

Vivian nodded and smiled, “Then Vivi suck cock?” she enthused.

Johnathan chuckled and nodded his head, “Yes, then you can suck my cock and I might even pound that pussy if you do a good job tonight.”

“Yes! Yes! You see! Vivi do good job!”

Then Johnathan stepped beside her, wrapped his arm around her once more and lead her towards the front door and the waiting limo as she hung off his arm, smiling from ear to ear, and eagerly wait for when she could wrap her lips around his cock and finally have everything she’d ever wanted.