Donna wasn’t so sure about this.

She held up her phone and took a quick selfie and added a caption in the encrypted chat, “I know I said yes… but…” she typed out and hit send.

A moment later a reply came back, “You know it’s up to you. Just say the word and I’ll pull you out.”

She let out a sigh and then steeled herself once more, “No… no… just performance jitters… I’ll be fine.”

A quick thumbs up emoji was the reply and she put her phone into her purse and took in a deep breath.

“You’ve got this.” she said to no one and then turned to walk out of the hotel room.

She’d graduated police college at the top of her class, she’d put in her time on the street, she’d done everything right, and this was her reward… an opportunity.

She just didn’t like that it came because of her looks more than anything else. But that was what undercover work often came down to, looking the part first to get your foot in the door.

This door was just a little different than most, with the major crimes unit needing an undercover operative that was, well, smoking hot.

They were going after one of the major crime families, and the accountant was the way in. Recently divorced, and a well known philander, he had a type, and it wasn’t a secret. He was downstairs, in the ballroom, right now, and her job was to get him to take her home.

She didn’t expect it to be that much of a challenge.

David Jackson, the accountant, had his face buried between Donna’s breasts, his hands on each side of them pushing them together, as they rode in his limo away from the party.

“Mmmm… baby, that feels so good.” she coo’d as she ran her hand through his thinning hair.

It hadn’t taken much to get his attention, a quick shake of her cleavage, a smile, a touch of his arm, and he was putty in her hands. Soon enough he was suggestion they leave the party and head back to his place, which she knew would be a possibility and so she agreed.

His condo wasn’t too far away and she had a small vile of a powerful tranquiler in her purse that she’d apply between her breasts when they got there. He’d be out like a light in no time, with a hazy memory the next morning that she would fill in the “gaps” for.

In the mean time, he seemed quite happy with second base.

“Would you like a drink, champagne perhaps?” David asked as they entered his condo.

She smiled and nodded, “That would be lovely. I’ll just powder my nose while you get them… the bathroom is…?”

“Just down the hall, to the left.” he replied with a smile and she quickly made her way to it.

She checked her makeup and then pulled two items from her purse; her phone and the small vile. She set the vile on the counter and then quickly unlocked her phone and typed a message.

“Step 1 complete, back at his condo now. Prepping for step 2.”

Another thumbs up appeared after a moment and she stuffed her phone back into her purse. Then she picked up the vile and unscrewed the top, putting her finger over the opening, she titled it up and over, then back down, before rubbing the small amount of tranquilizer on her upper chest and between her breasts. She repeated the process a few times before re-sealing the vile and putting it away.

Then she headed back out to the living room where David was standing, holding two flutes of champagne, his eyes hungrily focused on her breasts.

She took a flute and smiled, “Cheers!” she said and then they clinked glasses and she took a sip before they took a seat on the couch and his hand rested on her thigh.

David looked down at the motionless body splayed out on his couch, the flute of champagne on the carpet, her fingers limp but still pointing towards it.

He set his own flute down on the coffee table and headed into his study, quickly retrieving three items; a set of headphones, a media player, and a small pressure vessel with a hose that was attached to a mask.

Placing the mask on her head first, he turned the valve on the bottle just a fraction until he could hear a slight hiss coming from the mask. He then placed the headphones on her head and plugged them into the media player.

He checked his watch and then waited for ten minutes before starting the media player and walking to the kitchen to get a towel to clean up the spilled champagne.

Donna rolled over, her hand coming into contact with David’s body, which brought her back to the present, even as her head thumped from a hangover.

She suppressed a moan and instead smiled, just in case David was awake, but he didn’t seem to be. She did her best to slip from the bed without disturbing him and made her way to the bathroom after checking for where her purse was.

She found it in the living room, beside the couch. Once she was in the bathroom she closed the door and took a seat on the toilet, hanging her head in her hands and trying to remember what had happened last night.

After a few blurry memories struggled to make their way to the front of her mind, she decided to check her phone. Unlocking it she saw her last message and the response, but nothing else.

“Step 2 a success.” she typed in and sent, though it was early enough she didn’t know if she’d get an immediate response or not.

She frowned a bit, it wasn’t a lie exactly, she had obviously slept in David’s bed last night and that was the goal after all. She just couldn’t remember the details, she must have had too much of that champagne, but she still considered it a success.

Donna wasn’t sure what was going on. She’d been “dating” David for three weeks and last night was the first night that they had spent together that she could clearly remember.

And boy, was it a night!

He’d played with her breasts and sucked on her nipples while he fingered her pussy for what seemed like forever, bringing her to orgasm several times before he even got around to putting his dick in her.

At some point she lost count of the orgasms but she certainly remembered the last one. He seemed to be able to go on forever, pounding away with his hard shaft, taking her over the edge time and time again, until he’d pulled out of her pussy and pulled her over the edge of the bed.

She’d fallen to her knees in front of him, looking up, his dick right in front of her and then she wrapped her lips around it like it was the most natural thing in the world.

She sucked hard and long until that final orgasm came, just as he was about to finally unload, he pulled out of her mouth and she wrapped her hands around his dick, pumping it, until streams of cum flew out and hit her face.

Her whole body shook at the power of that orgasm, it was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before.

She’d passed out and David must have cleaned her up and put her to bed, because she’d woken up this morning resting peacefully beside him.

The other problem that she didn’t understand, was how she wasn’t getting anywhere in her investigation. David was an open book to her, letting her have access to his phone and computer any time she wanted. Yet there wasn’t a single piece of evidence she could use again him!

She pulled out her phone and started typing a message into the encrypted chat, “Are we sure David is really the brains behind this?”

“Yes… why?” came back the response.

“I just can’t find anything to tie him to it. What should I do?”

“Keep at it… dig deeper… don’t stop… there has to be something.”

She sighed and sent back a thumbs up emoji and resigned to keep at it.

Donna sat on the couch in her fur and finery, her eyes locked on David’s cock as he walked naked towards her.

It had been six months that she’d been undercover and she still hadn’t found a shred of evidence against David. Though that might have been because of what she had found out about herself.

“Baby are you gonna fuck me stupid some more? giggle” she said and shifted to expose her tits.

It had turned out, that deep down, Donna was a real dumb bimbo slut. All those orgasms that David had brought her had shown her that thinking otherwise was just silly.

She wasn’t some smart, competent, undercover police officer, she was just a cock hungry blonde that had finally found her proper place, on her knees in front of David.

Donna slipped from the couch and let the fur fall from her shoulders just as David arrived in front of her. Her lips quickly took his dick into her mouth as her fingers gently cupped his balls and she got to work at her real job.

Donna giggled and typed into the encrypted messaging app once more, “Like, I sucked and fucked his so hard today! But, like, he’s still totally innocent as far as I can, like, tell.”

“Well it sounds like you still haven’t gone deep enough.” came the response.

“Oh my god, like, I went all the way down on his! His little curlies totally tickled my nose!”

“Well… maybe that’s the wrong hole then.”

She rolled her eyes and typed back, “Like, he can’t get any deeper in my pussy or he’ll be totally fucking my womb!”

“Wasn’t the hole I was talking about…”

Her eyes widened and she furiously typed back, “OMG like I’ve never… you know… do you think it would help?”

“Can’t hurt, why don’t you suggest it tonight. He might need encouragement… maybe beg him a little to do it.”

A shiver of pleasure ran through her and she giggled out loud, “Like, ok, if it will help the investigation, then I’ll totally beg him to fuck my ass tonight!”

A thumbs up came through and and locked her phone.

David looked at his phone and smiled, the last message still up on his display:

"Like, ok, if it will help the investigation, then I'll totally beg him to fuck my ass tonight!"

She still had no idea that it had been him that she’d been messaging since that first night at the ballroom. The organization he worked for had their tentacles deep into the police department. At first he’d considered just turning her way, but the organization wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

The first was taking care of the undercover cop in a way that would ensure they didn’t just send another one, and second to provide him with someone that would “take care” of his needs so he was susceptible to such weaknesses in the future.

It had been easy enough to switch out the phone she was communicating with for one of their own, giving it to him to use, while at the same time having one of their own men send a stream of fake info to the phone the police now had.

She didn’t message nearly as much now as she had when she’d first started, and he was pretty sure in a few more months she wouldn’t bother at all. Until then, it was an easy way to put new idea’s into her head without it appearing to be from him.

The gas and audio programming material that they’d given him had done a great job of embedding the basics into her mind, but it wasn’t very good at specifics.

General idea like, “dumb slut” or “trophy wife” or “needy submissive” were easy for it to do. Things like “wear lots of makeup”, “always look like an expensive whore”, or “beg for me to fuck your ass” weren’t possible with it, they were too specific.

Of course once it had done it’s work, guiding her using her “trusted” superior, had been a breeze. In another few months she’d be a perfect submissive trophy wife for him, one eager and willing to indulge him in any and all of his desires.