“Hi baby! giggle

“Holy fuck, Mandy?” I nearly shouted as I walked out of the bathroom in my apartment to see my ex-girlfriend standing seductively in my bedroom.

There were several surprising things about that; the first was I’d kicked her out nearly a year ago when she’d called me a loser, the second was that I’d changed my locks since, and the third was that she looked nothing like she had.

She stood up and wiggled her way over to me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders, “Yeah, but like, now with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’ giggle

She then pushed her giant tits into my chest, leaned in and kissed me, with tongue!

After the shock wore off I manged to push her away a bit and collect my thoughts.

Mandy… or Mandi… or whatever, had been a steadfast, conservative, traditional asian goody two shoes the last time I saw her.

Black hair, no larger than a b cup, almost no makeup, and wearing clothing that covered 99% of her body, this Mandi was the complete opposite.

“Wait a sec… just wait a sec…” I stumbled over my words as I tried to get my thoughts in order.

“Like, I’ve waited soooooo long to suck your cock already baby, I can’t wait!” she replied and dropped to her knees, her finger making quick work of my pants and her lips bringing my soft member to attention just as fast.

“Oh fuck it…” I said to no one in general.

Mandi popped off my dick for a moment and looked up at me, “giggle Like, not it… me! giggle” and then she went right back to work.


I shot bolt upright as the loud banging on my door brought me awake, beside me Mandi squirmed a little but didn’t react otherwise.


I got out of bed and grabbed my housecoat, “I’m coming, I’m coming already!” I shouted and walked to my front door.

Without thinking I opened it to two large burly men and a third behind them.

“Shit…” was all I got out before the pushed their way inside and two of them grabbed me by the arms and picked me up, taking me in to the living room and plopping me down on my couch.

“Hey, wait a minute…” I started to complain but then me glared at me and I quickly shut up.

The third man went into my bedroom and a squeal could be heard a moment later. After a few minutes the man and Mandi came back out.

Mandi waved and giggled at me as the third man took her out my front door.

“Where is he…” I started but the glare intensified and I relented.

A while later the man returned and took a seat across from me. He folded his hands in front of him and leaned forward.

“I’m sure you have questions, but you’re going to have to be satisfied without many answers I’m afraid. Surfice it to say that Mandi has been… working… for us for the last six months or so and she got a little… confused tonight and wandered off. Apparently she returned here as she felt it was a safe space for her, which is fine.” he said unfolding his hands and waving them around to indicate my apartment.

“What do you mean wor…” I started but he held up one finger and waggled it as the two men behind me placed their hands on my shoulders.

“Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to forget all about this little… incident. If she ever comes by again…” he said and pulled a business card from his pocket and held it up in front of him with two fingers, “…you’ll call this number and let us know.”

“But…” I started and he cut me off again by waving the card in the air and then setting it down on the coffee table and sliding it towards me.

“In return, Mandi will drop by once a month and be… available… for whatever you might like.”

The wheels started to turn in my head, “Anything…?” I asked.

The man across from me smiled and nodded, “Yes… anything. She’s very… open minded now. Her new job requires it. Do we have an understanding? Or do my friends have to explain it to you?”

“No… no, that’s fine.” I replied quickly holding my hands up in front of me as I gazed up and smiled at the two men with their hands still on my shoulders.

“Good. I’m glad we could resolve this amicably.” the man said and then stood up.

He walked to the front door, the two men following him, and then they were gone.

Still a little confused at what just happened, I fell back into the couch and let out a sigh of relief. The wheels in my mind started turning faster as I considered exactly what I was going to be doing with Mandi the next time she came to visit.