“Well shit, this was a gigantic waste of time!” Tasha though to herself as she left the office loft of Professor Donovan.

She’d gone undercover two months ago to try and find out why so many of his students were going missing, but his computer and home had revealed nothing.

To top it off, the only way in that she’d found was as his “maid”.

It was the only vice he seemed to have; he didn’t smoke, do drugs, sleep around, or anything else. The only thing that was a little out of the ordinary, was that he had a maid’s service come in once a week, dressed in skimpy french maids outfits, that he liked to watch as they worked.

Given the things she’d had to do in the past for assignments, it wasn’t all that bad really. Perhaps the strangest thing those was how particular he was about the uniform. So much so that he actually provided a custom tailed outfit to each woman that cleaned for him.

This had been the first week that he hadn’t been watching her like a hawk. In fact, after letting her in, he’d excused himself with some excuse about an emergency at his office.

She’d been fine with that of course, it had been what she’d been waiting for, and so she’d had lots of time to rummage around his files, only to find nothing.

She walked down the stairs carefully, the tall heels she wore echoing with each step, and then headed to the front hallway, just in time to hear the front door unlocking.

The door swung open and she put on her best fake smile, “Oh, your back Professor!” she said in mock surprise.

“Oh, yes I am, it wasn’t as big of problem as they said… it can wait till tomorrow. You’re finished already Sally?” he asked in return.

She nodded her head, answering to her undercover name easily. She hadn’t done any cleaning, but there was nothing else to learn here so she wouldn’t be returning anyway.

He slipped his keys into his pocket and then pulled it back out. Her eyes darted to the motion and she realized he had pulled something out of his pocket that wasn’t they keys, but some kind of FOB.

“Whats…” she started to say just as she heard the click of a button and her eyes went wide as she felt an electrical shock come from the chocker that was around her neck.

Her body stiffened and stood at attention as her mind went blank and she stared straight ahead.

“Did you find anything Tasha?” Professor Donovan asked.

“No Sir, of course not.” she replied flatly.

“Good. Anything I need to know?”

“No Sir. I’ll be filing my report later today and will not be returning.”

“Fine.” he replied and then clicked the button again, causing Tasha to blink several time.

“Ah, is there anything else before I go?” she asked.

“No, that’s fine, see you next week.” he replied and stepped a side to let her leave.

A sly smile crossed her lips as she stepped through the door, “Oh no you won’t!”, she thought to herself and started to mentally write up her report as she headed towards her car.

Tasha hit send and let out a sigh of relief as she sipped a nice hot coffee as she wrapped herself in her fluffy housecoat. It hadn’t been her hardest or worst assignment by any means, but there was just something a little creepy about Professor Donovan watching her clean his house that sent chills down her spine.

She’d left that out of the report of course, there was nothing there of substance and it would just reflect poorly on her professionalism, so better to say nothing.

She reached out and closed her laptop and her eyes caught the glint of a reflection just to the left of it. It was the chocker from the maids outfit sitting on top of the rest of it.

She set her coffee down and picked it up, leaning back in her chair, she ran her finger around the outside of the medallion in the center of the chocker. A little shiver of pleasure ran through her and a smile crossed her lips.

It hadn’t been all bad, in fact if she was honest with herself, as creepy as it had been, it had been a little exciting as well.

She let out another sigh, she’d been working undercover for years now, and it was getting a little… draining. Just being a maid and cleaning Professor Donovan’s house had somehow been… liberating.

Easy and simply, she had just walked around and cleaned, letting him watch. She reached out and took hold of the outfit, it was high quality and well made, custom fit to her body. It was nice having something tailored, a smiled crossed her lips and she stood up, took off her housecoat, and slipped into the maid’s outfit, chocker and all.

She spent the rest of the night cleaning her own home, imaging Professor Donovan watching her every move, until she masturbated in it on her bed and brought herself to orgasm.

Tasha stood in front of Professor Donovan’s front door waiting, she’d just rung the doorbell and could hear his footsteps approaching. She was wearing an overcoat like she always had, but her headpiece and chocker were clearly visible anyway.

He opened the door and smiled, “Hello Tasha.” he said and her eyes went wide.

“You… you know?” she blurted out.

“Of course.” he replied and she blushed.

“May… may I come in… Sir?” she asked and a shiver of pleasure washed over her.

She’d been dreaming of calling him Sir for months, even before she had quit her job at the agency, and often masturbated to the idea.

“You may.” he replied and stepped aside so she could enter his home. She quickly took off her overcoat and set it neatly on the chair in the entranceway.

He closed the door and she stood there for a moment, her stomach full of butterflies, “Sir, may I clean your home?” she asked.

He nodded and she turned quickly and got to work.

Tasha finished the last bit of cleaning and her pussy was so wet that she was worried that her juices might be visible running down her inner thighs on her stockings.

Professor Donovan was sitting in his chair in the study, watching her as she walked over to him and stopped at his feet.

“All done Tasha?” he asked.

She blushed and lowered her head, “Not quite Sir. Just one more thing I have to clean.”

He smiled, “Go on.”

Her blush deepened but she continued, “Sir… Sir, may I clean your cock?”

She almost orgasmed as the words left her mouth and she was already on her knees before he replied.